Credits Available: 3.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit

Description: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) can be a debilitating condition causing immobility, respiratory difficulties, and reduced lifespan. But with the advent of new disease-modifying therapies, the prognosis for patients with SMA has been completely altered. These treatments may help patients live longer, creating unique clinical needs. Adults now make up more than a quarter of patients with SMA. However, there are no specific guidelines for the assessment and treatment of adult patients, leading to gaps in their diagnosis and management. Adult care is complex and requires multidisciplinary care. This collaborative CME provides the opportunity to learn and share best practices that will improve outcomes for patients with SMA.

CME/CE Accreditation Information

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This program is intended for:
Target Professions: DO, MD, MBBS, Nurse Practitioner, Nurse, Physician Assistant, Social Worker, Physical Therapist, Pharmacist, Healthcare Navigator
Target Specialties: Neurology, Pulmonary/Respiratory Physician, Physiatry/Rehabilitation, Genetics/Genomics, Orthopedic Medicine/Sports Medicine, Pharmacy, Nutrition, Pediatrics

Julieanne George

Senior Director Neuroscience and Critical Care

Julie is a dedicated and enthusiastic nurse leader who exudes passion for her work. She thrives on inspiring and challenging her colleagues to reach new heights, while also fostering a strong appetite for continuous learning.